
Top 3 Health Benefits of Industrial Rubber Matting

Here at Fairfield Sales we are often asked about the advantages of our industrial rubber matting - specifically their health benefits and why it should be implemented in commercial or industrial environments.

Read on as we detail exactly what it is about our industrial matting that makes it such a smart investment for your business.

Ease Stress on Joints

When someone stands for a long period of time it places stress on that person's joints, increasing the risk of leg, knee, back or neck injury as a result. Not only can these injuries affect someone's performance and morale in the short term, they can also lead to more long-term issues, so it is imperative that as a business you implement measures to mitigate these risks where possible.

Our rubber flooring provides superior levels of support compared to solid flooring, reducing risk of injury and improving staff morale.

Reduce Slips, Trips & Falls

As well as providing a more comfortable environment industrial rubber matting can also reduce slips, trips and falls. Our products deliver considerably more grip and stability than regular hard flooring, helping to reduce the millions of pounds that are lost to employee absence and litigation claims every year.

Improved Insulation

When people are working in cold environments it can affect their morale as well as their health. Our industrial rubber mats can help to insulate industrial and commercial environments to ensure that the working conditions are more comfortable and also keep staff illness to a minimum.

If you'd like to find out more about how our industrial rubber matting can help your business, get in touch on 0845 130 6223.